The LogicalTrust Expert Team
have been testing security for over 17 years.

We believe that digital world can be a safe place. Therefore, we've been actively participating in projects related to security for over 17 years. We caution against digital threats on industry conferences and for many years we've been using our blog to educate on a safer use of the Internet. We gained experience during security tests for financial, telecommunication, and governmental institutions.

Latest posts:

[PL] Testy TLPT i cyberbezpieczeństwo - jak spełnić wymogi DORA i zwiększyć odporność cyfrową

W obliczu rosnących cyberzagrożeń i wprowadzenia unijnej regulacji DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act), instytucje finansowe w EU muszą działać szybciej i skuteczniej, aby zapewnić odporność cyfrową. Jednym z kluczowych wymogów DORA jest przeprowadzanie testów TLPT (Threat-Led Penetration Testing). Co to właściwie oznacza dla Twojej organizacji? Jak testy TLPT mogą pomóc spełnić wymogi regulacyjne, jednocześnie podnosząc bezpieczeństwo systemów IT?

Read more: [PL] Testy TLPT i cyberbezpieczeństwo - jak spełnić wymogi DORA i zwiększyć odporność cyfrową

[EN] A-Z: OPNsense - Penetration Test

Recently we performed a non-profit penetration test of OPNsense - an open source, FreeBSD based firewall and routing platform with ~51.47K active instances according to The assessment was focused on web GUI and API as well as some parts of the system backend. Work has been carried out in a period from June 12 to June 26, 2023. In total, around 120 hours were committed to the project.

Read more: [EN] A-Z: OPNsense - Penetration Test

[PL] Słów kilka o stronach polskich gmin

Wizyta na stronie Wikipedii zawierającej listę gmin w Polsce przerodziła się w przegląd tego, co - bazując na automatycznym zbieraniu danych - można wywnioskować o praktykach bezpieczeństwa i prywatności stosowanych przez polski samorząd na swoich stronach. Opracowanie zawierające informacje zbiorcze, przedstawia statystyki użycia popularnych metod zabezpieczeń, bez odwoływania się do konkretnych przypadków.

Read more: [PL] Słów kilka o stronach polskich gmin

[EN] A-Z: Introducing SocketInjectingFuzzer and its first target - Teeworlds

The idea behind Socket Injecting Fuzzer is simple - fuzz applications working in the client-server architecture by mutating real data packets that are exchanged by them in real usage scenarios. Implementation is also simple because it is based on hooking network-related functions on one side (or both) of a connection and modifying outgoing data. Thanks to this approach, it is not required (but still may be helpful) to understand communication protocol or to prepare initial input for targets.

Read more: [EN] A-Z: Introducing SocketInjectingFuzzer and its first target - Teeworlds

[EN] A-Z: TuxGuitar - stealing local files (XXE)

TuxGuitar is an open-source tablature player and editor, that supports many different file formats, including proprietary Guitar Pro’s formats. As I play the guitar from time to time and use TuxGuitar for practice and learning songs I couldn’t resist peeking into it. By looking at the source code I noticed usages of XML parsers without anti-XXE configuration. I decided to dig into it to find out whether it is exploitable.

Read more: [EN] A-Z: TuxGuitar - stealing local files (XXE)

[EN] A-Z: FreedroidRPG - save game

FreedroidRPG is an open source hack and slash game. In other words, it’s a Diablo clone available on Linux. I became interested in how the game handles untrusted user input, but as it’s a single player game supplying malicious input is limited. So I decided to analyze the parser of saved games and whether it may be somehow abused. I found a few memory corruption vulnerabilities and a way to execute arbitrary code.

Read more: [EN] A-Z: FreedroidRPG - save game

[EN] LogicalTrust Named Top Cybersecurity Consultant

LogicalTrust is excited to announce our newest award: Top Cybersecurity Consultant! As a small firm located in Wroclaw, Poland with over 16 years of experience, we specialize in keeping your business and information safe (penetration tests, security audits, security awareness). Did you know that cybersecurity costs the global economy $2.9 million per minute? Don’t get stuck trying to take your identity back, contact us today!

Read more: [EN] LogicalTrust Named Top Cybersecurity Consultant

[EN] A-Z: Documents - hacking web app inside iOS app

Documents is an iOS file manager app developed by Readdle. It has an HTTP server feature, which allows easy file transfer between the device and a computer in a local network. It’s also very interesting from the security perspective because we can expect a wider attack surface than in a typical mobile application. Running an HTTP server may expose the application to many kinds of web-related attacks.

Read more: [EN] A-Z: Documents - hacking web app inside iOS app

[EN] A-Z: A is for Alpine

A-Z project

Some time ago we got the idea to select projects alphabetically, pick a project for each letter from a to z and find at least one bug in it. We don’t have a strict plan, rules or deadlines. We treat it is a freestyle battle and we just test whatever we want to. Our goal is to try different approaches including many flavours of fuzzing, code review, static analysis, dynamic analysis, divination etc. We’re going to write not only about what worked for us, but also about our failures. We plan to issue posts on each letter randomly, so here’s the first post for the letter A!

Read more: [EN] A-Z: A is for Alpine

[EN] BLE mobile application independent access

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a wireless standard, widely used to communicate Android and iOS mobile applications with devices of many kinds. These include home security, medical and other which may exchange sensitive data or perform sensitive operations. It’s critical to establish a secure communication using a proper pairing mode. However, despite the fact that MitM attacks will be prevented, the mobile device may be a weak link and expose the BLE peripheral to some sort of attack.

Read more: [EN] BLE mobile application independent access

[PL] Needle - analiza aplikacji mobilnych iOS

Needle wspomaga analizę bezpieczeństwa aplikacji na platformie iOS. Składa się z modułów, które korzystają z wielu dostępnych na tej platformie narzędzi, znacznie upraszczając pracę z nimi. Został stworzony przez MWRLabs, czyli twórców popularnego w androidowym środowisku Drozera. Podobnie jak Drozer, działa w architekturze klient - serwer. Uruchamiany na komputerze klient przesyła polecenia do serwera działającego na urządzeniu mobilnym.

Read more: [PL] Needle - analiza aplikacji mobilnych iOS

[PL] Backdoor na Androida w oparciu o narzędzie Drozer

Zapoznamy się ze sposobem na stworzenie backdoora oraz umieszczenie go w dowolnej aplikacji na platformie Android. Będzie on wykorzystywał narzędzie Drozer, które służy przede wszystkim do testowania bezpieczeństwa mobilnych aplikacji. Drozer działa w architekturze klient-serwer, a my użyjemy jego dwóch komponentów:

  • Drozer (.deb albo Python .egg) - pełna wersja narzędzia, do zainstalowania na komputerze. Będzie pełnić rolę serwera, który posłuży do wydawania poleceń.
Read more: [PL] Backdoor na Androida w oparciu o narzędzie Drozer

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LogicalTrust sp. z o.o.
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KRS: 0000713515